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Escort California
City: Escort Los Angeles

Phone: (949) 233-0522
outcall: yes
incall: no

I am a beautiful, charming, and sophisticated California girl! Sweet, and exciting to be around, I have a sense of class, elegance, passion and warmth that will rejuvenate and relax you beyond your ordinary every day life. I have an unquenchable passion for people and life. In my "real life" (as I am fond of calling it), I am an avid animal rights activist and researcher. Having completed my MBA in London, England, I enjoy my academic pursuits of writing and publishing books and articles.

My beauty and grace will inspire you while being in my presence. I am always dressed appropriately, elegant - yet sexy in the most suitable attire. In private I wear only the finest lingerie. Standing 5'6” - 36D-24-36 I wear an American dress size 4.

I am an avid learner, and eagerly soak up knowledge like a sponge. I enjoy conversing with my friends on topics varying from cosmology to international development theory. Well-read and naturally curious, I have quite an extensive home library.

Traveling is not the least of my interests. I have been to over 30 countries, and plan to see every country before I leave the planet. I also speak 4 languages, and consider myself somewhat of an expert on culture. I delight in introducing my friends to new and exciting places.

My preference is towards gallant, easy-going married men who are looking for a leisurely, stress-free, sensual relationship with an elegant woman. Being in my mid-thirties, I'd get along better with a CAUCASIAN gentleman 45 years old and over. If you are a gentleman of exceedingly high standards then I invite you to get to know me a little better. You will be pleasantly surprised.

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