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Escort Montana
City: Escort Bozeman

Phone: +1 406- 589-4092
outcall: Yes
incall: No

While I do posses the sweetness and appeal of the girl next door, my adventurous spirit and life experience are anything but typical!

I am open-minded, accepting, and curious about most everything. My goal is to make life at least a little bit better for people, even if only one person at a time. My expansive interests are not limited to a great love of reading, film, culture, and travel.

My favorite authors include Charles DeLint, Neil Gaiman, Jacqueline Carey, and C.S. Lewis; and my enjoyment of films ranges everywhere from foreign to classic, comedy to action.

Though I may be young, so far during the course of my life I have played a variety of instruments such as clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor sax, piano, guitar, and violin.
Not to mention having traveled to several countries including Mexico, Canada, France, Italy, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and Spain. (Yet I hope that these are just the beginning!)

I speak American-English fluently, conversational French, and basic American Sign Language.

At this point in time I am a graduate student pursuing a Masters in Counseling with a graduate certificate in Native American Studies.

I use all of these mentioned experiences and skills-as well as others to be the very best confidante and companion I can be for you. : )
So if you are looking for someone to listen, help you relax, and share some quality time without the constraints of a conventional commitment then you've found the right girl and I am truly excited to get to know you!

I accept clients of all ethnic backgrounds, religions, abilities, appearances, sexes, orientation, and gender identities that are of legal age.

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