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Gigolo Portugal
City: Gigolo Lisbon

Bruno Enzo
Phone: +351 963227598
outcall: yes
incall: no

Posted in Uncategorized with tags acompanhante masculino, escort algarve, escort couple, escort estoril, escort lisbon, escort lisbonne, escort lissabon, escort portugal, swingers

Male escort deluxe service avaliable in Marbella, Puerto Banus,Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza, Mallorca, London, Paris , Cote azur ,Cannes Lisbon .
Top male escort, wealthy ladies only, high discretion. Escort Deluxe, an elite escort offering the most exclusive male model in Madrid , South of Spain. Avaliable also in all major European cities and , attentive man on your arm to make you look even more succesful, and to make you feel sensational, our very atractive model are the perfect accompaniment. You may be looking for simple emotional fulfillment, or a simple hug, a few compliments, or a ravishing date to make your friends jealous, or you may need some soul refreshing sexual healing. You really deserve it.

Our high standing men are entirely straight heterosexual. , we do have gentlemen who are happy to cater for wealthy ladies with their male partner present. If your business or holyday brings you to Madrid Marbella , we gladly like to escort you. You put the limits. Please check our rates before calling.

Would you like to spend an unforgettable day or evening with a luxury escort ?

Bruno Enzo Sexy stallion, good looking, handsome, attractive body, fit and healthy,brown hair and eyes, Well educated charming gentleman,discret and clean, straight, ladies and couples only.
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