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Mature Escort Ohio
City: Escort Cleveland

Chrissy Kisses
Phone: 4408363801
outcall: Yes
incall: Yes

I am college educated at the graduate level, well-traveled, and feel at home playing golf, riding horses, and fishing or enjoying a wonderful orchestra and dinner at a fabulous restaurant. ....and oooooh...LIVE HOCKEY :)
I am an accomplished provider who takes the comfort and satisfaction of the gentlemen I see very seriously. Life is hard enough after all. Why not do my best to make another person smile? And I have no doubt that you'll bring a smile to my face as well.
I'm often told that being with me is really like having me as your adoring girlfriend without the complications. I care about how your day goes and more importantly how I can make it better. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I take discretion and confidentiality very seriously and expect the same in return. I am available for incall, so if you need a little distraction, keep me in mind. I specialize in romance and intimacy.
I'm very flexible in my scheduling...A glass of wine, intelligent conversation, and the company of a beautiful, sassy, busty blonde... If you're not looking for the company of an 18 or 19 year old...but someone as mature and sensually experienced as yourself, then perhaps we are a match.


$160 1hr Incall Tuesday-Saturday 9a-5p

$300 3hr Lunch Incall Tuesday-Saturday 9a-3p (my favorite for true sensual exploration ;} )

$260 1hr Incall All Other Times

$400 3hr Lunch/Dinner Incall All Other Times

OUTCALL AVAILABILITY-Please plan at least 48 hours in advance

$350 90 minute Outcall (scheduling for less time is not possible)

$500 3hr Lunch/Dinner

EXCEPTIONAL ENCOUNTERS-Schedules can quickly change, deposits are required so that I may comfortably reserve my time.

$1,200 Overnight (a 10% deposit is necessary)

$800 Per Day Travel Companion-3 day minimum (expenses and a 20% deposit will be necessary)

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