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Mature Escort United Kingdom
City: Escort Bristol

Kitty Collins
Phone: +44 (0) 7779227564
outcall: yes
incall: yes

Kitty Has It All!,

Hi, I'm Kitty, a 49 year old, playful, sensual, naughty pussycat, playing at my luxurious, discreet and secure Boudior near to Bristol City Centre.

Visit me and you will find a sophisticated, petite, attractive lady with a size 10 body, womanly curves in all the right places, with soft skin and a smooth peachy bottom, lovely legs, natural, beautiful full breasts, all gift wrapped in wonderful lingerie, ready to be unwrapped by yourself.

GENTLEMAN! Intrigued by the thought of BDSM? Not intrigued by the thought of pain. Why not let me gently introduce you to the world of female dominance..., this in itself can be sensual and heighten love making, why not give it a try with this Feline or if you are brave Mistress Kitty, can be very strict, the choice is yours!

From Sensual Lingerie to a Tie and Tease, PVC Mistress, Kitty really has it all!

I also offer a Gentlemen's Dressing Service. Free Parking is available. Shower facilites, toiletries, fresh towels and refreshments are also available.



[email protected]

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