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Transsexuals Escort Italy
City: Escort Milan

Nikki Trav
Phone: +39 366 1146297
outcall: yes
incall: no

Hello, i'm Nikki, 25th yrs old, sexy and very feminine Sissy Crossdresser Escort from Milan, Italy.

I've decide to give vent to the feminine side of my soul, and what's born, it's the beautiful creature you can see in these photos: shaved, soft and velvety skin, sexy lingerie, sheer stockings, high heels, erotic and coloured hair... a sexy and pervert cocktail, REAL, with something more.

Realize your secret fantasies, yeld to temptations and to thorny minds... what you've seen until today, only on websites and adult films is coming true. Try a new sex experience, with the best discretion and secrecy.

If you are a serious, well educated and clean person, and you want to enjoy the pleasure of my companionship, discover how to meet me in the next pages and call me!!!

Available for Businnessmen "en route" in Milan, Women, Couples and Private Parties. I can also travel and move outside Italy.

I'm also available as Miss Nikki, Mistress Fetish Soft... for a pleasant and delicate Fem Dom and Aspiring Crossdressers.

I'm waiting for you...

Nikki ;)

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